About MamaBuddies

We find and connect mothers with similar needs

Being pregnant, becoming a new mother or raising a child in general can be tough. Sharing experiences and feelings between women who are in a similar situation help to feel less stress, but is difficult to happen.

The goal of MamaBuddies is to assist mothers to find others that might be facing the same situations they are.

Using AI, MamaBuddies arranges mother’s groups that usually consist of about 2-6 women who have all given birth (or going to give birth) around the same time. The group is put together with consideration to geography, age and first time/second time mother. The Mamas usually meet once a week and talk about mother-baby related topics or any other activities they decide on doing.
Cool Mamas

Why Mamas Need Each Other

Too often as women we are our own worst critics. In our self-induced stress, we rush through our days like well-oiled machines, rarely pausing for fear we’ll be late for something.
MamaBuddies are there to be the first call when you need support:
  • When you have your first baby and feel clueless.
  • If you feel confused and scared about your baby, your body or any other mother's pain.
  • When you need someone to understand the demands of modern day motherhood and stage of your life right now.
  • Even if you simply want to hang out with people who get you.
MamaBuddies meeting picture of women having lunch outside on summer

Safe Space To Get Real

Mamas Love Us

How does MamaBuddies work

  • 1.
    Sign Up
  • 2.
    Choose your group
  • 3.
    Meet your MamaBuddies
Picture of mothers signing up to become MamaBuddies in Mothers group
Join Mama Buddies by signing up below. You will recieve an email where you will be asked to answer a few basic questions about yourself. The information will shortly after be used to find all of the possibly matching mamas close to you.
New MamaBuddy holding her baby in the air
MamaBuddies AI will automatically allocate you to a new mothers’s group and send you an invitation to it. If you do not wish to participate, you can off course not accept the invitation and only use MamaBuddies for other services we provide:
  • Mother's community online
  • Monthly Newsletter
  • Mamas Market (coming soon)
  • Support and Inspiration in Mother's Forum
Picture of the first meeting of MamaBuddies mothers group
After all the mamas accept their group invitations, you will be directed to a chat app within MamaBuddies website. Within the first few weeks you will be encouraged to meet in a few locations around the area you live in.
After that, you will be able to choose if you want to stay in the group, look for a new group or to continue as an Online Mama only.
The continuity of the mama’s groups is done with no further supervision of the MamaBuddies and the mothers arrange more or less meetings according to their own schedules and wishes.
Join Mama Buddies

Sign Up for free Today

And get notified
when the group is ready for you


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Features & Benefits

MamaBuddies APP
Coming soon to iOS and Android